New project sales galleries and their showflat are very quiet these days. At most times, there are only a handful of cars parked in front, most likely driven by the agents. That is why we were in disbelief when the media told us that Hillhaven and The Arcady at Boon Keng drew 2,000 and 3,000 visitors respectively over their preview weekend. Unfortunately, the first two … [Read more...]
Renovation of our house
Our home is under renovation. We are living there. Imagine the mess and inconvenience with the ongoing work! I have been planning to renovate the house for years. Then came the outbreak of Covid-19. When the pandemic finally stabilized, the two children were sitting for their public exams. At times, I would frown at the discolored ceilings and chipped doors. One day, I … [Read more...]
Another PSLE result release day
Yesterday, I joined 38,088 parents to wait for their child’s PSLE result. The experience was an emotional roller coaster. Worries of a parent about PSLE result Exactly six years ago, I wrote the blog post “Thoughts from the release of PSLE results”. That was for my elder child who was sitting for her A-level exam this year. Time flies. Yesterday was the PSLE result … [Read more...]
6 property questions that have no answer
When we were young, we believed when we grow older, we will have the answer to most questions. As time passed by, we had more questions than answers. As former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told us, “There are things we don't know we don't know.” Sometimes we ask a question. Rather than getting an answer, we end up with more questions. Philosopher Aristotle said, … [Read more...]
Things I wish I knew as homebuyers 15 years ago
It has been two years since clients came to me for one-to-one property consultation sessions. Different homebuyers have different personal circumstances and housing needs. Some know better than others. Some are more prepared to buy. No matter which stage they are in, I thoroughly enjoy answering their questions and sharing my knowledge. It is satisfying to see that, at the … [Read more...]