Podcast episode 15 is the second part of my presentation “When Is the Best Time To Buy and Sell?” presented at the SMART Expo at Sands Expo & Convention Centre on September 22.
I apologize for “shouting” at the top of my voice during the speech because I couldn’t hear myself on the stage.
Thanks for all of you who answered enthusiastically my question “When is a good time to buy for you?” at the end of my presentation (that’s a nice surprise!). And sorry I forgot to open the floor for Q&As after getting all your great answers.
Topic: When is the best time to sell?
1. Ask yourself two major questions.
2. Why it is the best time to sell now.
3. When selling is not applicable to you.
You can now watch the podcast below. If you want to read the script, turn on the “cc” button – the leftmost button at the bottom right hand corner.
Remember to subscribe to my youtube channel and see you in my next video.
Agents will tell you anytime is a good time to buy and sell.
Why? They need transactions to pay themselves,
Agents are justified to receive their commission, if they close the deal by sharing with their clients neutral facts and professional advice.
You seem very sensitive that readers or listeners think that the examples you quoted were from them. I suggest you write or spell out that all examples given are fictitious and any similarities are coincidental, just like what books and movies usually do.
Anyway, do not know why these people are so sensitive, just be upfront and learn from your mistakes ( we are human and do make mistakes.)
Not really. If I care so much about what other people think or say, I won’t be a blogger. in the first place
Although “any resemblance is purely coincidental”, I actually like to hear people saying they did exactly what I blogged about. It makes my blog posts more credible and relevant to real-life situations.
you are doing a great job, I like all your pod cast. keep it up.
Thanks Marcus for your encouragement. I will keep going!