One of the questions I frequently receive from my blog readers is: Do you think I should buy an HDB flat or a condo unit? The question often comes after they disclose their age, their spouse and children’s age, their household income, outstanding loan and bank savings.
If you have the same question in mind, you don’t have to share with me your credit history or tell me your life story.
Because in this podcast, I am going to share with you how to get the answer with four simple questions:
1. What am I buying it for?
2. Can I afford to buy and hold it?
3. Where do I want to buy?
4. Am I an HDB or condo person?
You can now watch the podcast below. If you want to read the script, turn on the “cc” button – the leftmost button at the bottom right hand corner.
Remember to subscribe to my youtube channel and see you in my next video.
Recent spate of new launches at sky high prices lead one to wonder if the market is booming.
Headlines: showflat at weekend attracted 9,000 visitors.
in the last showflat that attracted 6,000 visitors on the first weekend, they only sold 100 Plus units at the launch out of 700 plus units, or less than 16%. If you score 16% in the first half hour of a 1 hour paper, do you consider yourself a success or failure.
By comparison, for 9000 visitors. If we take proportionately visitors versus sales, (9000 x 100 / 6000=) 150 sales out of 1200 units at launch, is this success?
The problem is that the media and agents are so vested that they talk up and up, all projects are hot cakes, snatch before they are gone.
But when pushed for an honest view, one agent shared that he did not care what people think all agents are the same as he is putting money in his pocket.
What else is new? Beware of untruths by parties with vested interest.
These days the media articles on properties are mixed with advertorials. We don’t have to treat them seriously. We have to do our homework to verify and reference check.
There are agents on mycarforum keep asking readers to Chiong and Huat. They just don’t understand at sky high prices those who chiong, cannot Huat.
Then there are those in condosingapore forum keep singing prices are shooting up up and away,
Beware of these agents in forums
Thanks for your reminder. Agree with you that these forums are all filled with property agents/brokers with vested interests, or amateur buyers who have no clue. No need to waste time to follow these discussion forums.