In this podcast, I will explain how all commodities, including properties, once overpriced, can eventually become oversupply.
1) Oversupply unlikely to happen?
2) Durians: From overprice to oversupply
3) The cycle of euphoria
4) When is the best time to buy?
Watch the podcast below. If you want to read the script, turn on the “cc” button – the leftmost button at the bottom right hand corner.
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I totally agree with you. Those analysts or speakers saying there won’t be an over-supply situation are speaking with a vested interest of their trade in the background.
Actually, the more the analysts say “there is no oversupply”, the more we suspect there is high oversupply in the coming few years. The figures of supply pipelines and monthly transactions are published openly in the URA website. What is there to hide?
Great video, like you said in the end wait for the opportunity. I liked the four stages chart Ordinary, Novelty, Hype and Desertion. I’m trying to get my head around what desertion cycle will look like in Singapore. The mystery is how long to wait and severity of the desertion cycle. Is someone in the government expecting it or is it unfathomable?
There definitely is something wrong with the Singapore market. I wonder abut the oversupply issue and how bad it actually is and how it is hidden. I live in east coast and walk for health allot an night. Looking at al the condos seeing al the dark windows at night in so many buildings. Who owns all these un lighted units and why do so many sit there dark?
Thanks for watching my video. A correction is unavoidable. The question is whether it is a V-shape or a U-shape and how big the shape is. I think the government has done everything it can and there is only so much that they can do.
Overbuilding in the east started a few years ago. I pointed this out in a 2016 blog post “Too much of anything is a waste” (
“A drive along Marine Parade Road these days can no longer see the big tall trees but countless new condominium projects. At night, many projects only have a handful of lights on.
Hello Vina, love your insights!
Just curious, have you ever experienced or had a good property deal out of the oversupply situation in Singapore?
Oversupply means there are much more sellers or properties in the market compared with buyers. Oversupply and good deals are two different things. When there is oversupply, buyers have more options available in the market. They have an advantage during price negotiation.
Definition of “good deals” differs according to different people. I don’t buy because of oversupply. I buy because there is “value for money” based on net return and potential for capital appreciation.