I have received some enquiries regarding the Buying My First Private Property Workshop this Saturday (April 7). Let me answer your questions in a Q&A format.
Q: How is the materials covered in the workshop different from the content of your book No B.S. Guide to Property Investment?
A: I am the writer of the book and also the trainer at the workshop. So expect me to stick to the same guiding principles in buying properties. They have never been changed since the first day I blogged in August 2010.
Oh sorry, you are asking whether the content will be different.
You write a book to convey some key messages, trying to make each article interesting so that readers will continue reading it.
The purpose of a workshop is different. You need to put theories into practice by packing presentations, exercises, group discussions and role play into a 6-hour course. The content covered must be informative, useful and relevant so that participants can deploy them immediately after the workshop.
Above all, it is impossible to share everything in a book. Sometimes it is ‘not very nice’ to say too much in a book, especially when you know many parties are at stake.
Q: I can’t make it for the workshop this Saturday. May I know the schedule of the next one?
A: I am afraid that Saturday is our last time running the Buying My First Private Property Workshop. For How to Buy Good Quality Properties Workshop, the last one is scheduled on July 21.
Q: Why do you stop conducting the workshops?
A: The original idea of the workshops is to help Property Club Singapore members to be better equipped in buying private properties. I could also answer common questions from my book readers in a more structured way.
But every time after we finished a workshop, there would be people saying that they missed it and asked for the schedule of the next one. The encouraging feedback was a big drive for me to run it again. So we ended up conducting the two workshops alternatively every quarter.
The 1st Buying My First Private Property Workshop was organized in January 2015. This Saturday I would be running it for the 7th time. A total of 150 members have attended the workshop. I think it’s time we called it a day.
Q: How will the workshop on Saturday be different from the previous ones?
A: I will update some of the content to reflect changes in the last six months. Also, I will be setting up a Facebook private group for the participants so that they can continue to ask me questions and interact with each other after the workshop.
Remember to sign up for Buying My First Private Property Workshop on April 7. This will be our last time running it. Don’t miss it!
Did you watch my video “2018 Singapore Property Market – what developers, agents, banks and analysts are hiding from you”? Watch it now!
I registered your workshop and look forward to it.
Great! See you on Saturday.
Hi property soul,
I always look forward to your post and workshop.
I register as member so that I can attend your workshop. As a (paid) member in this property club, what can I benefit if you no longer conduct workshop in future?
I didn’t say that I am no longer conducting workshops. We have run 7 times of “Buying My First Private Property Workshop” and “How to Buy Good Quality Workshop” respectively. We should do something new instead. I am planning for more online courses for e-learning so that members can learn at their own free time. I am also setting up a private group for members for questions and discussions.
Thanks for these effort to cater for member’s convenience. Please continue the good work 😀