On January 15, over 80 attended the 2017 Singapore Property Strategies and Opportunities in Auctions education seminar organized by Property Club Singapore.
My presentation topic was ‘Year of the Rooster Property Strategies for Buyers and Investors’ that covered the following points:
– What are the likely scenarios?
– Is the market slowing down or bottoming out?
– What are the strategies for the ‘die die must buy’?
– What is my property investment plan in 2017 and 2018?
I am sharing my slides below. There is also an audio clip with a 14-minute shortened version of my presentation at the seminar.
Year of the Rooster Property Strategies Presentation Slides
Presentation Audio Podcast (00:14:12)
Hope you find my suggestions on 2017 property strategies useful. Do share with me your property plan in the ‘Comment’ box below. Hear from you soon!
Dear Vina, thank you for sharing these nuggets of property wisdom w us. I am picking them up after you and storing them up, hopefully for my humble use in future 🙂
You are most welcome. And I’m glad that you find the content useful!